The Acupressure Points to Bring on Labour

The Acupressure Points to Bring on Labour

Are you feeling anxious as your due date passes with no sign of labour? If you’re exploring natural methods to start the process, acupressure points to bring on labour could be an effective option. 

Acupressure is an ancient technique that applies physical pressure to specific points on the body to help stimulate contractions. It’s widely considered by expectant parents seeking alternatives to medical intervention.

In this guide, we will explore key acupressure points to bring on labour, alongside other pressure points to bring on labour, and explain how to use them to potentially assist with labour induction.

What is Acupressure?

Acupressure is a technique grounded in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), dating back thousands of years. It’s closely related to acupuncture but uses physical pressure rather than needles. 

Practitioners believe that applying pressure to specific points on the body helps influence energy flow, known as “qi.” From a Western medical standpoint, acupressure may impact the nervous system and muscles, helping to reduce stress and promote relaxation. For additional relaxation, you can explore different massage chairs and devices, specifically designed to alleviate tension and prepare your body for labour.

Research has shown that acupressure to induce labour may help shorten labour and even reduce the likelihood of needing interventions such as a cesarean section. A meta-analysis of 27 studies found that using acupressure was linked to shorter labour durations and decreased pain.

However, it’s important to consult your healthcare provider before trying acupressure during pregnancy. The stimulation of certain induction pressure points could lead to hormonal changes or contractions, particularly in the early or later stages of pregnancy. 

With medical supervision, acupressure can serve as a safe and helpful tool to assist labour naturally.

How Does Acupressure Help Induce Labour?

The key to acupressure to induce labour lies in stimulating specific points on the body that are believed to encourage uterine contractions. Applying pressure to these pressure points to bring on labour might help the body prepare for childbirth by stimulating natural processes. 

Many pregnant women use these techniques as a complementary therapy to medical advice, and for some, it can be an effective and safe method to naturally induce labour without resorting to medical interventions.

Some key factors that might make acupressure appealing for labour induction include:

  • Non-Invasive: It requires no surgery, medication, or external substances, making it a very natural approach.
  • Easily Applied: Unlike more complex therapies, it can be performed by a partner, friend, or even yourself with the right guidance.
  • Promotes Relaxation: In addition to potentially inducing labour, it can relieve anxiety and stress, helping to relax the body and prepare the mind for labour.

Five Key Acupressure Points to Bring on Labour

Let’s dive into five important acupressure points that might help with inducing labour. These points are easy to find and can be beneficial as you approach your delivery date.

1. Spleen 6 Point (SP6)

The Spleen 6 point, or Sanyinjiao, is a commonly used acupressure point for encouraging labour. It’s located about four finger widths above your ankle, on the inside of your leg, just behind the shinbone. This point is known for its versatility in addressing various issues, including stimulating uterine contractions, making it a popular choice for expectant mothers.

How to Use It: Apply firm pressure to this spot with your index finger, holding for a few seconds. After applying pressure, take a break for about a minute before repeating. This technique can be repeated several times daily to help encourage labour naturally while promoting relaxation.

2. Bladder 60 Point (BL60)

Located just a couple of inches below the Spleen 6 point, the Bladder 60 point, or Kunlun, is situated in the dip between your ankle and Achilles tendon. This acupressure point is known for its ability to promote labour and relieve pain, making it a useful spot during the final stages of pregnancy.

In addition to using acupressure points like the Bladder 60 point, incorporating massage tools, such as the uSqueez Leg Massager can help further ease pain and promote relaxation during the final stages of pregnancy.

How to Use It: Gently massage the Bladder 60 point with your thumb for a few minutes, applying steady pressure. This method may help promote natural labour progression while reducing pain and discomfort.

3. Pericardium 8 Point (PC8)

The Pericardium 8 point, or Laogong, is located in the centre of your palm, where your middle fingertip touches when you make a fist. This acupressure point is often used to help induce labour by stimulating energy flow.

How to Use It: Gently press the point with your opposite thumb and massage in circular motions for several seconds. This technique can be repeated throughout the day to promote relaxation and support natural labour progression.

4. Large Intestine 4 Point (LI4)

The Large Intestine 4 point, also known as Hegu, is a well-known acupressure point used to help induce labour. 

Located on the back of your hand, between the webbing of your thumb and index finger, this point is also effective for pain relief and boosting immunity. It’s a versatile spot often used during labour to encourage contractions and reduce discomfort.

How to Use It: Apply gentle pressure using your thumb, pressing firmly on the point for around one minute. Take a short break before repeating the process. This technique can be used multiple times a day to support natural labour induction and ease labour-related pain.

5. Bladder 32 Point (BL32)

Bladder 32, also known as Ciliao, is located in the dimples of your lower back, just above the buttocks. This acupressure point is believed to help stimulate contractions, making it useful for labour induction. It’s also effective in relieving gynecological discomfort, offering additional benefits during pregnancy.

How to Use It: Apply firm pressure to this area and massage in a circular motion towards the buttocks for a few minutes. This technique can be repeated regularly to encourage labour and reduce discomfort in the lower back.

These acupressure points can be a great addition to your preparations for labour, offering a natural approach to easing the journey ahead.

Benefits of Acupressure for Labour Induction

Acupressure has been gaining popularity among expectant parents as a natural and non-invasive method for inducing labour. Many choose it over medical interventions due to its low-risk nature when used appropriately.

Here are some of the potential benefits of using acupressure points to bring on labour:

  • Promotes Natural Labour: Applying pressure to key acupressure points to bring on labour may help stimulate uterine contractions naturally, encouraging the body to start labour without medical intervention.
  • Reduces Labour Pain: Certain acupressure points are known to help ease the discomfort associated with labour, allowing for a smoother and more manageable birthing experience.
  • Enhances Relaxation: Acupressure can reduce anxiety and promote relaxation during the final stages of pregnancy, which can help prepare the body for labour and reduce stress levels.
  • Supports Shorter Labour: Studies have shown that using acupressure points to bring on labour may lead to shorter labour durations, helping reduce both physical exertion and overall stress for the mother.

These benefits highlight why many expectant mothers turn to acupressure as a safe and natural option to support labour induction.

Tips for Using Acupressure Points for Labour

While using acupressure to induce labour can be a gentle and natural approach, it’s essential to follow these tips for safety and effectiveness:

  • Consult your healthcare provider: Always discuss your plans to use acupressure with your midwife or doctor, particularly if you have any health concerns or a high-risk pregnancy. It’s important to get the green light before starting any new methods for inducing labour.
  • Timing is key: Acupressure is generally considered safe to use after 37 weeks of pregnancy. Using it earlier could potentially lead to premature labour, which can pose risks for both mother and baby.
  • Be gentle: When applying pressure to acupressure points, use firm but comfortable pressure. The sensation should not be painful. If you experience any pain or discomfort, stop immediately to avoid causing harm.
  • Be patient: Acupressure may not provide immediate results. It often takes several sessions over a few days for the body to respond, so patience is essential.
  • Stay hydrated: Drinking plenty of water before, during, and after your acupressure sessions is crucial. Staying hydrated helps support the body’s natural processes and ensures you remain comfortable.
  • Listen to your body: If you feel any unusual sensations, dizziness, or discomfort, stop immediately and consult your healthcare provider. Your body knows best, and it’s important to be cautious.

By following these tips, you can safely explore acupressure as a natural method to support labour.

Combining Acupressure with Other Natural Induction Methods

Acupressure can be effectively used alongside other natural methods to encourage labour. When combined, these techniques may help create a more conducive environment for labour to begin. Some complementary methods include:

  • Walking: Regular walking can help the baby descend into the birth canal, which can stimulate contractions. Gentle movement encourages gravity to play its part in moving the baby into position.
  • Birthing ball exercises: Sitting and gently bouncing on a birthing ball can help open up the pelvis, allowing the baby to move down and get into the right position for birth.
  • Nipple stimulation: This method can help release oxytocin, a hormone that can trigger contractions, promoting the onset of labour.
  • Eating dates: Some studies suggest that eating dates during the later stages of pregnancy may help soften the cervix, preparing it for labour.
  • Relaxation techniques: Practices like meditation, deep breathing, and visualisation can help reduce stress and anxiety, which may support labour progression by keeping the body calm and relaxed.

Pairing acupressure with relaxation techniques like walking or using a portable massager can further aid in promoting labour. Check out some portable massagers for easy-to-use options that you can carry with you throughout your pregnancy journey.

Potential Risks and Precautions

While acupressure to induce labour is generally considered safe when used appropriately, it’s important to follow certain precautions:

  • Avoid certain points during pregnancy: Some acupressure points can stimulate contractions and should be avoided before 37 weeks to prevent premature labour.
  • Be cautious with high-risk pregnancies: If you have complications or are considered high-risk, always consult your healthcare provider before trying acupressure to ensure it’s safe for your situation.
  • Don’t overdo it: Excessive stimulation of acupressure points can lead to overly strong or frequent contractions, which may cause distress for both mother and baby.
  • Watch for warning signs: If you experience any unusual pain, bleeding, or notice a reduction in foetal movement, stop using acupressure and contact your healthcare provider immediately for advice.

By keeping these precautions in mind, you can safely explore acupressure as a gentle, natural method to support labour induction.

A Gentle, Natural Approach to Labour

Acupressure offers a gentle, natural method to assist labour induction and may be a helpful tool in the final stages of pregnancy. By using specific acupressure points to bring on labour, such as the Spleen 6, Bladder 60, and Large Intestine 4 points, expectant parents may be able to encourage the body’s natural processes and ease the transition into labour.

Remember, always consult your healthcare provider before using acupressure and ensure it’s applied safely and effectively.

Looking for ways to enhance your wellness during pregnancy and beyond? Visit OSIM UK to discover a range of massage products designed to help you relax and prepare for your journey into parenthood, including targeting acupressure points to bring on labour. Feel your best with OSIM’s expertly crafted massage solutions.




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